Automatic Payment
Bank Account Name: Mt Albert Parish
Bank Account Number: 02-0108-0707155-000
Reference: Planned Giving
Indicate: Last name then initials
Donated, non-perishable food items or donations to Food back collection after all Masses are acceptable.
Direct debit to Foodbank account: 02-0108-0707155-005
Giving Envelopes
We have giving envelopes that can be placed at the collections taken up during Sunday Masses.
If you want to receive the planned giving envelopes, please contact the office.
PH: 09 8466775
Email: [email protected]
Remembering Our Parish in Your Will
By leaving a bequest to the parish church you leave a legacy that will benefit the Church into the future, a gift that will be greatly appreciated.
Your bequest is your choice - it may be part of your estate, an item of value, a sum of money - whether large or small it will be put to good use.