Please click on the names below and read more about our groups within the Parish.
Group Details:Formed at the Parish Meeting on 16th June 2013
The Parish Council meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month, in the presbytery. Full minutes are on the Parish Website or can be emailed to you. Please contact the Parish Office to be added to the list.
"Altar Carers"
Group Details: Set up Altar before Mass, put everything away after Mass. Wash linen.
"Altar Servers"
Group Details: Altar Servers assist the Priest at Sunday or special liturgies. They are drawn from girls and boys age 9 upwards, who have been receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for a year or more.
The children are rostered on at Mass times usually suitable to their parents; they are expected to attend refresher courses or extra practices especially if they are serving at special Masses.
They receive rosters for about 1 month ahead, and Sunday rosters are also printed in the weekly parish bulletin the week prior to their turn. Please contact the office for more information.
"Church Cleaning"
Each week, the Church is cleaned, normally Friday or Saturday, by parishioners who work in teams. There is also a small group who do the flower arrangement.Their turn occurs about once every two months.
They are always looking for new members to join the teams.
"Children's Liturgy"
Group Details: Children's Liturgy is held at the 10 am Mass each Sunday during term time.
It is intended for those children who have not yet received Confirmation and First Eucharist usually between 3-9 yrs old
Children who have received these sacraments are expected to take part in the Mass.
Parents are welcome to attend with younger children or children who are new to the parish.
The Children's Liturgy Team is always happy to have more helpers.
If you would like more information, please contact the Parish office.
"Finance Council"
Group Details: Members invited by Parish Priest to help with finances with which to run the Parish. Meet monthly or whenever required.
Group Details: The Parish Foodbank plays a critical role in our community by providing essential assistance to families facing food, and items insecurity. Donated, non-perishable food items are most welcome and may be left in the baskets provided in the church foyer or donations to Food back collection after all Masses are acceptable.
Any requests for food may be made directly to the Parish office, and confidentiality is assured at all times.
"Hospitality Ministers"
Group Details: Door greeters welcome everyone to Mass and give out the bulletin and liturgy sheets.
People organize a cup of tea which is available after 10 am Mass.
There is always a need for more people to join these hospitality ministries.
If you are interested, please contact the Parish office.
"Legion of Mary"
Group Details: Internationally, the Legion of Mary is an organization with a strong commitment to prayer, especially devotion to Mary, and apostolic works.
In St Mary's Parish, active missionaries of all ages spend some time each week carrying out good works, such as visiting parishioners and rest homes.
Auxiliary members support the work of the Legion through regular prayer. The parish has two very active groups, one senior (adult) and one junior (school students and young adults).
Seniors and Juniors meet on Tuesday evenings.
"Liturgy Committee"
Group Details:
The Parish Liturgy Committee supports and prepares the liturgy celebrated in our parish life. We would welcome any parishioners who would like to be a part of this group.
The committee is always looking for ways to enhance the liturgy with new music. If you have any music that you feel may be appropriate to use within our congregation, please contact the parish office.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact the Parish office.
"Money Counters"
Group Details: Teams of volunteers are required to help count the weekly donations.
"Parish Family Groups"
Group Details: We have a number of Passionist Family Groups operating in our Parish. Each group consists of 20-30, people including children. The groups are formed by trying to match children with similar ages and ensuring a cross-section of ages of adults. Groups consist of a mix of all ethnic groups and resemble an extended family.
Each group is encouraged to develop its own flavour, whilst remaining part of the parish extension of the Passionist Family Group Movement.
New members are always welcome.
"Prayer Chain"
Group Details: A small but very active group, which has some wonderful successes. No meetings are involved, just a message via email asking you to pray for somebody's intentions.
Email [email protected] to become involved.
Anybody is welcome to call to ask for prayer, privacy is assured
"RCIA Programmes"
Group Details: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Rite of Christian Initiation for Children over 7 years)These programmes are run to help those who wish to know more about the Catholic faith and who would like to become Roman Catholic. If you require more information please contact the office on 8466775 or talk to one of the Priests.